Welcome to the Informed Delivery™ Administration Console
The Informed Delivery™ Administration Console is the application that enables USPS® employees to manage mailers and their campaigns, adding ride-along content to the mail information presented through Informed Delivery™.
Important Information
Application Access
Users need to have Administrative Access granted by Customer Registration
Restricted Information
OFFICIAL USE ONLY This is a US Government computer system and is intended
for official and other authorized use only. Unauthorized access or use of the
system may subject violators to administrative action, civil, and/or criminal
prosecution under the US Criminal Code (Title 18 USC 1030).
All info on this computer system may be monitored, intercepted, recorded, read,
copied, or captured and disclosed by and to authorized personnel for official
purposes, including criminal prosecution. You have no expectations of privacy
regarding monitoring of this system.
Any authorized or unauthorized use of this computer system signifies consent
to and compliance with Postal Service policies and their terms.
For additional help, please contact the USPS® Help Desk at 1-800-USPS-HELP (1-800-877-7435).